Academic CV
You can find my detailed CV here.
Curriculum Vitae - Lisa Herbig
09/2023 - today Coordinator for the ARTES research cluster 'Power and governance'
04/2023 - today PhD Representative at the Amsterdam School for Regional, Transnational and European Studies (ARTES)
02/2023-03/2023 Research Stay - DYNAMICS PhD Programm at Humboldt University Berlin, Germany
(Host: Prof. Dr. Heike Kluever)
01/2022 - today PhD Candidate at the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
07/2020-12/2021 Junior Researcher at the Viral Communication Project
10/2017-07/2020 Master of Science Intercultural Psychology (with distinction)
University of Osnabrueck, Germany
10/2013-08/2016 Bachelor of Science Psychology (with distinction)
Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany